*Guests must be accompanied by the members at all times.
*Members/Dependents/Affiliated club Members must produce ID CARD.
*Members introducing guests must make sure that the guests’ conduct at the Club is in line with the Club’s ethos, Management reserve the right to forbid entry of any guests.
*The concerned members will be responsible for the conduct of their guests.
*Guest charges as fixed by the Executive Committee has to be paid by the concerned member.
*Members are requested to fill up the guest form in entirety, Guests will not be entertained in any section of club, unless accompanied by a member of WGC.
* WGC Member may bring 5 Guests at a time and 5 times in a month, Members and guests are expected to use all club assets with care.
*A suggestion/Compliant Box is placed at the Club Reception for members.

(A) It is the responsibility of every member of the Club to ensure that the decorum, traditions, and etiquette of the Club are maintained.
(B) Members are expected to behave appropriately, while using the Club or while visiting the affiliated Clubs.
(C) Wilson Garden Club members are like one big family. Members are expected to ensure that their actions are in the interest of the Club. In case they notice any inappropriate actions or behaviour on the part of other members, they are expected to bring this to the notice of the Executive Committee.
(D) Members are expected to use the Club property with due care and regard for its maintenance and upkeep.
(E) For safety and dignity of others, members are not allowed to carry firearms or any item which may make others feel threatened
Conduct with other members and staff:
All members are required to maintain proper protocol and decorum while dealing with other members. The following actions are specifically prohibited as against the code of conduct.• Raising voice or shouting in the Club Campus
• Using rude, impolite or unparliamentary language.
• Getting involved in an assault or getting physical with any other member, staff or guests.
• Unsocial activities in public, such as talking loudly on cell phones in the hearing of fellow members, and so on.
• Members are expected to display due respect and regard when interacting with other members.
• Members are expected to use courteous language while interacting with Club staff.
• Members are expected to dress decently as per the dress protocol listed below.
• Persons under 21 years of age are not permitted in the Bar areas (as per age specified by the state government)
Dress Code:
Members, dependents and guests are expected to follow the dress code prescribed by the Club.
• Formals or Smart Casual• Sportswear in the sporting area.
• Club events may require theme based dressing.
Dress not permitted
• Shirt or vest without collar and Shorts/Bermudas/Sleevless T-Shirts/Lungies.• Sports clothes (except at sporting areas)
• Rubber Chappals / slippers / sandals without back strap / barefoot
• Untidy, inappropriate clothing
• Any dress not in sync with the culture, discipline and decorum of the Club.
Other general Rules & Regulations • Cell phones and hand-held electronic devices should be muted when entering the Club or set to vibrate mode.
• Electronic handheld devices (e.g. phones, ipads) may be viewed but must be silent and not generate any noises (e.g. rings, beeps, chimes, voices, etc.)
• Conversations into/out of electronic devices, including speaker phones are prohibited in public areas, with the exception of the rooms booked for private functions. Members are requested to be sensitive to other members and guests when talking on mobile phones in public spaces, and not receive or make calls in the enclosed areas of the clubhouse.
• There is no concept of reservation policy for tables or spaces in the Club. However, Reservations are required for hosting parties or treating a large number of guests.
• Wilson Garden Club campus is designated as non-smoking area. However, a dedicated area has been earmarked for smokers.
• Alcoholic Drinks/Beverages/Food/Refreshments brought from outside is not allowed.
• Failure in any payment dues/fees/charges or any other amount owed to WGC is not acceptable.
• Vehicles must be parked in areas designated by club, Vehicles parked above 24 hours will be charged as per Managing committee,
• Pets are not permitted on the club premises.
Club Timings:
• The Club House remains open for members from 6.00 AM till 11.00 PM. Club Bars and Kitchens close at 10.30 PM on All day. Members are expected to order their food and drinks accordingly.• Holidays:
• The Club remains open on all days of the year except on National Holidays or as specified by the Executive Committee from time to time.
All are requested to cooperate with the Management to maintain discipline in the Club.